Webinar: Launching an RX Product in the EU
Fail to Prepare, Prepare to Fail
[January 27, 2021. 4:00PM GMT/11:00AM EST]
How do you manage a successful pharmaceutical product launch with challenges and variables of 27 EU markets? Our webinar will share some of the following key insights:
- How key differences between EMA and FDA impact the route to market
- Overview of country-specific requirements for bringing your product to the European market
- Required labelling content for various types of packaging components for the EU, including “Blue Box”
- Guidance for developing packaging graphics that will limit the likelihood of competent authority rejection
- Graphics that contribute to patient safety, optimise cost and provide branding consistency
- Tips for avoiding approval delays by aligning artwork activities to regulatory strategy
Join Evelyn Kelly, Managing Director of Orphan Drug Consulting and Lenny Figorski, Head of Consultancy, Perigord Life Science Solutions share their immense Life Science industry knowledge and experience on 27 January.

Evelyn Kelly
Evelyn has over 15 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry in both distribution and Orphan Drug companies, working across Supply Chain and Quality Assurance in organisations such as United Drug, Shire and NPS Pharma.

Lenny Figorski
Lenny has over 27 years of pharmaceutical packaging experience. He has worked in the world’s leading pharmaceutical companies and continues to benefit Perigord’s clients daily through consulting and by sharing his knowledge in webinars.